About Us
We don´t have much info yet, so there's also not much I can say about how the guild will work.
For now, I'll just say that it's meant to be an english speaking combat guild, with friendly environment and a good sense of aventure.
I want us to be a united guild.. a Family ^^
We do not plan to be an Hardcore guild, neither we plan on being a Casual one, but something between that.
Also we won´t be like hardcore guilds where members are oblied to do certain things or be kicked out, but we will still ask a little contribution from our members so that the guild may grow healthy and in good terms.

For now the only rules I'll apply is to show interest in the game and to join our Discord channel as soon as you join us :).

Be mature, and not some childish kid (not meaning to not have "sense of humor" of course :P).

Be friendly.

Contribute for a good environment.

Have good sense of adventure.

Access to our Discord channel.

Above all, be serious about this game.